Chinese Portrait #3: Fleur, founder of Les Petites Shanghaiennes.

Fleur, 29, is a French and Parisian girl arrived in Shanghai in 2010 for an internship. Then, she worked 3 years for Decathlon as a Communication Director. She also worked for Quechua and for a private agency before starting her own business beginning of 2015. 


How did Fleur started Les Petites Shanghaiennes ?

As you might already know if you know the brand, Fleur started by creating headbands as she highlighted the relationship a girl has with accessories. She wanted it wearable and adjustable in different situations for different looks: rock-pop ; bohemian ; casual ; … Then, the names of the headbands are streets from Shanghai, as she is now living in the city for more than 7 years !

Continue reading Chinese Portrait #3: Fleur, founder of Les Petites Shanghaiennes.

Shanghai Places #1 : the Avocado Lady

As an expatriate, and especially in China, I didn’t expect to find the same food products as what I have been used to, in France. But, I have to say that after a while, some basics have been missing and so,

Continue reading Shanghai Places #1 : the Avocado Lady